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How to recovery the LXDE desktop video output after running a mpp_sample?
Currently all Mpp_sample show unpleasant results, that when you start to run any sample, you have no way to terminate it and back to desktop because when each sample create vi it transfors the desktop video layer to an outter layer 8 and then close the layer 8. It 's so confused why allwinner do that. 
I do some experiments to try:
1.  insert a line to pthread of display: signal(SIGINT,destroy_vo) .  this SIGINT can capture the ESC key, and terminate the process.
2. resize the VO create size to 640*480

then it works, the 640*480 window stop to run, while the shell shows still active and can input commands.
But,but, the  area of 640*480 window can not be recylcle. I donot find a way to solve this issue.
Does anyone notice this question? How to solve?

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How to recovery the LXDE desktop video output after running a mpp_sample? - by arglues - 10-19-2018, 12:18 AM

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