When you firstly run mpp_sample/app, you will find there are several errors like these:
Don't worry! Fix it by following the blow steps:
1. get the root priority by enter :
2.install the necessary dependent libraries :
3. copy the dynamic link libraries of the app_mpp_sample to /usr/lib
4. compile and run the app_mpp_sample.
Don't worry! Fix it by following the blow steps:
1. get the root priority by enter :
$ sudo su
2.install the necessary dependent libraries :
# apt-get install libgoogle-glog-dev libasound2-dev
3. copy the dynamic link libraries of the app_mpp_sample to /usr/lib
# cd mpp_sample/app
# cp ./lib/libTinyServer.so /usr/lib/
4. compile and run the app_mpp_sample.
# cd mpp_sample/app
# make or make all
... compiling...
# cd release
# ./app_mpp_sample
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